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This page provides registration links for upcoming FAS and CSF events, including webinars. Recordings of previously held webinars can be found the second half of this page.

Upcoming Events

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Webinar Recordings

  • FAS

    Succession Planning in Challenging Times

    Join the Farming Advice Service and Heather Wildman, Succession Specialist at Saviour Associates, for a professional webinar on Succession Planning in Challenging Times, with expert insights from the Farming Community Network (FCN)
  • FAS

    Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer in 2024

    The webinar 'Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer in 2024' was delivered by the Farming Advice Service on behalf of Defra, in partnership with the Farming Forum and supported by the RPA, NE and CSF.
  • FAS

    Sustainable Farming Incentive Webinar - Upland Farms

    The Future Farming Resilience Fund (FFRF) and the Farming Advice Service (FAS) invite you to join Amelia Rome from Andersons and Laura Harpham from Ricardo to examine the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions for 2023, what is available to upland farms and how to apply for an agreement.
  • FAS

    Sustainable Farming Incentive Webinar - Grassland Farms

    The Future Farming Resilience Fund (FFRF) and the Farming Advice Service (FAS) invite you to join Amelia Rome from Andersons and Laura Harpham from Ricardo to examine the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions for 2023, what is available to grassland farms and how to apply for an agreement.
  • FAS

    Sustainable Farming Incentive Webinar - Arable Farms

    The Future Farming Resilience Fund (FFRF) and the Farming Advice Service (FAS) invite you to join Amelia Rome from Andersons and Laura Harpham from Ricardo to examine the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions for 2023, what is available to arable farms and how to apply for an agreement.
  • FAS

    Sustainable Farming Incentive Webinar - Mixed Farms

    The Future Farming Resilience Fund (FFRF) and the Farming Advice Service (FAS) invite you to join Amelia Rome from Andersons and Laura Harpham from Ricardo to examine the new Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions for 2023, what is available to mixed farms and how to apply for an agreement.
  • FAS

    The farming offer in 2024

    On Friday 26 January the Farming Advice Service hosted a webinar to review the actions and payments available through the Environmental Land Management schemes in 2024. We were joined by Defra Farming and Countryside Director Janet Hughes, the policy lead working on the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Jonathan Marsden and colleagues from the RPA to help explain the offer and answer your questions. This webinar was collaboration with Defra, the RPA and The Farmers Forum and you can view the recording by clicking the link above.
  • FAS

    Discussing the farming offer in 2024, with Amelia Rome and Fraser Hugill

    Following the popular series of Sustainable Farming Incentive Webinars from September 2023, and the recent FAS webinar 'The farming offer in 2024' with Janet Hughes and Jonathan Marsden, FAS partnered with the Ricardo Farming Resilience Fund team to discuss the farming offer in 2024 with Amelia Rome of The Andersons Centre and Fraser Hugill, Yorkshire Farmer and advisor.

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