Our services
Advice line
Contact us if you would like help understanding English farming regulations, knowing if you are eligible and applying for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and other grant schemes, or improving your local water, air, and soil quality. You can call, email, or chat with us online.
Key dates emails and newsletters:
Get notified of upcoming key dates to help you meet your regulatory requirements and stay updated with the latest farming industry news on regulations, SFI and other grant schemes, the agricultural transition and more. Register for our key dates’ emails and newsletters on our website.
Our website offers access to information and guidance, including newsletters, technical articles, webinar recordings and podcasts, by topic, including:
- Livestock
- Arable
- Soils
- Air and water quality
- Rules and regulations
- Funding and support
Come and chat with us at a local event! Visit our website for the full programme of events that FAS and CSF are attending.
We have produced digital fliers summarising our services which are available for downloadable and distribution:

Get help understanding what funding and support is available to you
Our advisors can offer you support to understand which grant schemes are available to you, including:
- Agri Transition
- Animal health and welfare pathway
- Countryside Stewardship
- Delinked payments
- Farming equipment and technology fund
- Landscape recovery
- Farming Resilience Fund
- Slurry infrastructure grant
- Woodland grants
- Other schemes and grants
Contact us:
Technical advice line: 03000 200 301 / advice@farmingadviceservice.org.uk

Support with the Sustainable Farming Incentive
You may not know if you or your land are eligible to apply for a Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) agreement, which options are right for you, or how to apply. The FAS team can support you in navigating guidance on the SFI scheme expanded offer, which includes the following options:
- Agroforestry
- Air quality
- Boundaries
- Crops
- Equipment and machinery
- Flood risk
- Forestry
- Hedgerows
- Historic environment
- Horticulture
- Integrated pest management
- Land features and archaeological features
- Livestock management
Catchment Sensitive Farming
The Farming Advice Service (FAS) has partnered with Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) to provide farmers with free, confidential advice and guidance in one place. CSF offer advice and training to help farmers produce food in a way that protects their local water, air and soil. Local advisers can help you with:
- Soil management
- Nutrient, slurry and manure management
- Ammonia reduction
- Farm infrastructure and machinery setup
- Pesticide handling
- Water resources and natural flood management
- Land management
- Local environmental priorities
- Agricultural transition, including grants

Click here for more information, farm mapping tools, free training and events, and to request support from your own local CSF team.