Initial prospects for irrigation - forecast for 2025
The Environment Agency has provided initial prospects for irrigation - forecast for 2025, please see their summary below:
Current irrigation prospects are good across the whole of England for 2025.
We encourage irrigators to act now to safeguard supplies for the summer.
Possible actions include:
•Maximising opportunities to refill reservoirs during high flows
•Contacting us if having reservoir refill problems
•Planning cropping to meet reduced water availability
•Ensure your abstraction licence meets your current needs
The irrigation prospects reflect the water situation using current river flows, groundwater levels, weather forecasts and Met Office seasonal outlooks. Overall rainfall across England over the past three months (Nov 2022 to Jan 2023) was 102 % of the long-term average (LTA). The majority of areas across England have received normal rainfall between November and January with the exception of the far north west and north east where rainfall has been slightly below average. Rainfall totals for February so far range from 64% of the LTA in north-east England to 96% of the LTA in south-east England.
Latest information shows that river flows at most reporting sites are classed as normal or higher for the time of year. Groundwater levels at the end of January across England ranged from normal to exceptionally high.

Into March, it is expected that more unsettled conditions are likely in northwestern areas while high pressure is likely to be more influential across the south of the UK, bringing more settled conditions. Later into March, there is an increasing chance of unsettled conditions becoming more widespread across the country.
More information on the water situation is available at Water situation reports for England - GOV.UK.
More information on weather forecasts is available at the Met Office. The Met Office 3 month forecast is now available.
The EA will reflect any further changes in our updated prospects report which will include a full detailed area forecast in late spring.