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Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer in 2024

The webinar 'Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer in 2024' was delivered by the Farming Advice Service on behalf of Defra, in partnership with the Farming Forum and supported by the RPA, NE and CSF.

Hosted by Laura Harpham, programme manager for the Farming Advice Service, and led by Defra Farming and Countryside Director Janet Hughes and the policy lead working on the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Tom Coles.

Featuring a run through of the latest news and the current situation with SFI applications and agreements, and Q&A.

Follow the Defra blog for the latest SFI updates:

You can use the Rural Payments service to raise a query about your SFI application, agreement or payment. Just sign into the Rural Payments service and select ‘Create or view a query’. 

If you have a general question about SFI, you can also contact the RPA by: 

  • email: - use ‘SFI’ in the subject header and include your SBI number
  • telephone: 03000 200 301 - Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm, except bank holidays 
  • post: PO Box 325, Worksop, S95 1DG.

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